Schoolhouse Rock kicks your ass, man. I was still a toddler when they went off the air so I am deprived of memories of most of these songs. But as luck would have it, there is a substantial market for nostalgia and there are lots of Schoolhouse Rock cds and videos for sale all over the place. Yes, I own a copy of Schoolhouse Rock Rocks. It is pretty damn cool.

The Schoolhouse Rock songs:

Multiplication Rock

My Hero, Zero - Multiplying by 0
Elementary, My Dear - x2
Three is a Magic Number - x3
The Four-Legged Zoo - x4
Ready or Not, Here I Come - x5
I Got Six - x6
Lucky Seven Sampson - x7
Figure Eight - x8
Naughty Number Nine - x9
The Good Eleven - x11
Little Twelvetoes - x12

Grammar Rock

Busy Prepositions
Conjunction Junction - "hookin' up words and phrases and clauses"
Interjections! - (Well!) show excitement (Oh!) or emotion (Hey!)
Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Adverbs Here
A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla - pronouns
The Tale of Mr. Morton - subject and predicate
Unpack Your Adjectives
Verb: That's What's Happening

American Rock (U.S. History)

Elbow Room - so-called Westward Expansion
Fireworks - The Declaration of Independence
The Great American Melting Pot - immigration
I'm Just a Bill - legislation
Mother Necessity - invention
No More Kings - colonization
Preamble - (to the Constitution)
The Shot Heard Round the World - Revolutionary war
Sufferin' Till Suffrage - female suffrage rights
Three Ring Government - executive, legislative and judiciary branches of the Government

Science Rock

The Body Machine - digestion
Do the Circulation- circulatory system
Electricity Electricity - power and electricity
Energy - energy conservation
Greatest Show on Earth - weather
Interplanet Janet - our solar system
Telegraph Line - human nervous system
Them Not-So-Dry Bones - human skeletal system
Victim of Gravity - Newton's Law of Gravity

Computer Rock

Introduction - Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips
Number Cruncher - a cheesy little song about data processing

Money Rock (U.S. Monetary System, never aired)

The Check is in the Mail! - how checking accounts work
Dollars & Sense - loans
Making $7.50 a Week - budgeting
Tax Man Max - taxes
This for That - bartering
Tyrannosaurus Debt - the national debt
Walkin' on Wall Street - stock market
Where the Money Goes - more budgeting

Some of these lyrics aren't noded yet. I shall be attending to that when I find the time..