I got turned down by two ex-girlfriends today.
I invited one to a soccer game this evening, and she said she'll "be busy all this week", which probably means that her boyfriend is in town from Raliegh and she doesn't need to interact with any human being other than him.
(Hell yes, I'm bitter.) The other one I wanted to hang out with tomorrow, but she's still trapped in high school so she has all sorts of prior entanglements.
So I guess I'll just ride my bike around in the new heat of a scorching southeastern spring tomorrow.

I wrote this today:

It's no use trying to turn tighten the skrew that is loose,
makes no difference to me,
political war or truce,
I'm only concerned with the truth,
temporal proof of divinity and grace,
I felt guilty like second place,
when searching for light brings less enlightenment than plight.

I don't know what to make of it, sometimes I look into my little notebook at the end of the day and think "Who took my pen from me and wrote that?" (or more accurately "Who jumped into my mind, and made it betray me by making my own hands to write that?").

I want to say congrats to Leacey (Diadrenni, and the -ex still in high school) for getting into Governors School, I hope you have a great time there.