Why is it that self esteem is being connected to capitalization? Leave it to the humans. I didn't sleep very well last night, I wonder if perhaps it is because my parents didn't hit me when I was a child. There are enough connections in the world (billions even) without creating imaginary ones (or at least ones that make broad generalizations).

That being said, sometimes capitalization of anything, including I's, simply doesn't seem, or look, right. When I node song lyrics, I hate to have the first letter of something that is not technically a sentence capitalized. It just does not look right. Everyone is so keen to judge others by the tiny little bits of their person. We are more than our words, more than the way we write our words. You can learn much from people by reading their content, but it's so hard sometimes for humans to admit that they just don't know why someone does something. They don't bother to ask the person, they just assume and create reasons in their own heads. This is okay but.. maybe it's best to leave them there, especially if they aren't very nice.

Stream of consciousness. When it falls out of my head, it doesn't have capitals, sometimes pauses (comma), but never capitals. If I am writing a factual node, it seems appropriate to capitalize and punctuate and check spelling. It's important - formal. My head isn't formal. I don't care if my non-capitalized i's rest at the bottom of the Findings: list because I didn't bother to alter them to do otherwise, but I do care if someone has trouble finding a factual node because I was sloppy about it. I use e2 as a reference quite often and it only makes sense to try and contribute to its usefulness in that respect.

Everyone is a critic, including me, but there are just some things that don't need to be ripped apart so badly.