My own recipie follows - tried and tested factgirl and family.

Basic Vegetable Stock

1 white onion, cut in half
2 bay leaves
½ bunch flat leaf parsley
8 mushrooms, cut into quarters
1 bouquet garni (this is a little pouch of herbs and spices - in the gourmet section of the market)
6 carrots, cut in half
10 stalks celery, cut in half
2 small tomatoes, cut in half
(note: all vegetables should be washed but not peeled - even leave the skin on the onion!)

     1. In a large stock pot, combine all ingredients, cover with 5 quarts of cold water, bring to a boil.
     2. Reduce to a simmer and cook covered with the lid askew for 2 hours.
     3. Strain through a very fine strainer or cheesecloth lined colander.

Refrigerate up to 6 days or freeze up to 6 months. This can replace chicken stock in any recipe.
For broth: Season to taste with salt and pepper.
For simple soup: Season to taste with salt and pepper, add new vegetables and simmer until veggies are done.