"we can close our eyes,  walk outside and open them, wet as with tears, almost every day of the year"   




It was a few weeks ago,  or maybe twenty years.   I am forgetful and have lost track of time.  She was smiling, the last time I saw her, walking from my car to the train station.  She was wearing a brown poncho because it was drizzling.   I think it was not so much raining as a mist.  

She was happy and excited and was taking the train to see an old college roommate out of town.   Bad weather never bothered her and the rain did not dampen her smile or her eyes.   They sparkled, the way they did almost all of the time.   

You might wonder about other details- where was the train going ?   why didn't I take the trip with her,  why didn't I see her again?   

I don't remember any of those things.    I am forgetful and remember few things, except certain details.  There might have been a few drops of rain on her face when we kissed goodbye.    I am pretty sure of that part