short takes

  • In order to sound like Sean Connery, first practice the accent and delivery. When you think you've got it as good as it gets, put a dozen Jujubes in your mouth.
  • Anne Rice has written one book 18 times. So has Jack L. Chalker. So why do his stay fresh?
  • Eponymous Resurrection Rune
  • I have now become part of the nodegel. A fellow noder has declared me to be his "most hated enemy". I would like to state at this time that I have no enemies, but have been known to fight a little now and then. Am not planning to fight with anybody. Chatterboxing and noding is much more fun. But Don't Tread On Me.
  • You might enjoy my writeup on XP Whoreing
  • Graceland is one of the 10 best albums of the 20th century.
  • The chocolate candy conversation heart I'm eating right now said Much Ado.

Chatterbox caught my eye...
m_turner says in The Stranger, you forgot an open square bracket at the begining of Scenes From An Italian Restraunt.
glassonion: interesting...ten years ago George Bush takes office, U.S. bombs Iraq, silence of the lambs is out for 13 days the giants win the super bowl. Yesterday George W. Bush is now in office, U.S. bombs Iraq, Hannibal is out, and the Giants lose..
Gorgonzola: Bigmouth: The weather often causes just that.
Mitchevious: lol glass, bwha ha
dunne: ...we must be close to THE RAPTURE!!
Gorgonzola: At least one good thing happened this time around.
glassonion: the super bowl (Hannibal is also out for 13 days)
Roninspoon: Just to set teh facts straight, Congress approved the declaration of war back in 91(I think) an accord was never signed with Iraq and tension has been high as they refuse to recognise the American embargos, both military and economic
glassonion: weird Thank you for that statistical info glassonion :)
dunne: So is the US still technically at war with Iraq?