"Oh, Hi! You didn't take long in the shower. Are you gonna drip all over me?" This is a loaded question; I most definitely want to be dripped on :-)

She saunters over, looking detached from the world "Mmm, maybe"

She Pounces! I'm pinned to the sofa!

"No! Don't, I'm trying to..." I try to struggle, but her fingertips have already disabled me. They're roaming around my tummy and back, scratching and tickling. This is a very nice thing, but you have to play act for a bit :-o

"Submit, slave!" She's got a wonderful concentrated, Brain Surgeon at work expression on her face, with just a little smirk at the right (or is it left?) corner of her mouth.

"Eeep! Stop it!" (weakly) "You're making lemonade come out of my nose!"

I manage to put the drink down.

"Heeheehee! Argh!" "Ohmygod!"

I can hardly breathe for laughing, she sees this and pulls away a little

"Aha! fooled by my cunning plan! This means... War!"

Her eyes narrow dangerously, but I'm there first! I put any soul calibur character to shame with a knees-thighs-groin-tummy-breasts-armpits-back-sides combo that evens the score.

"Eek! No, please!" Ha! now it's her turn to be disabled. Ah, sweet revenge :-)

There's an angelic expression on her face then she's smiling an enormous cheshire cat grin.


Things continue


Then things progress onward from tickling, to more serious things :-)