When I wrote the Survivor2 deal, along with the help of ideath and dem bones, I had never actually seen the TV show. Neither had ideath. I'm not sure about dem bones, but I would be surprised if he even owned a TV. That would ruin the whole mystique, eh?

Now, however, I must tell you that I've watched a couple of episodes toward the end, and I'll probably watch the conclusion tomorrow night. Why? It has begun to interest me on a political level.

"Yeah, it's ALL politics to ol' dannye.
That's why I want to run his ass over with my SUV."

All the members of one tribe who still remain (4) are now left to duke it out. All the members of the other tribe are gone. Wonder how that happened? Well, one of the members of the tribe that no longer exists and none of whom will get one million smackeroos is from near where I live.

I read a long article in the local paper about him the other day. He was the one who pissed PETA off by pimp-smacking a rat and cooking him up for dinner. Oh, and he also said some unkindly things about the girls.

Never piss the girls off, as a group!

He should have known better. But he said that he tried to form an alliance, such as the ones in the other tribe did at the beginning, but that was considered mean and unfriendly by the folks (mostly the girls) in his tribe.

So, there you have it. Life in the real world. You wind up with a bunch of folks you don't know, and it's a contest: How do you go about winning? Well, first of all, you make a pact with those who gravitate toward you. In this case, the pact was that the losers would be voted off by the alliance, no matter what. Apparently the homosexual and the old codger and the truck driving momma were the main force there, in Survivor. They survived this long because they were faithful to the alliance they formed in the beginning.

But now the fun part begins. They must turn on each other to determine who wins. It sounds like the Clinton administration as the house of cards was falling around the portly pepperpot. Or, like any other political venture ever undertaken on earth. It might even sound like E2 to you . . .

I know it's silly, and I tried not to get sucked in. But that's what I'll be doing for 2 hours of my life tomorrow.

Sorry, ideath.
I'm so proud of you for being stronger.