I was a priest and I had a box that contained all of my essentials. My mom stumbled upon the box and looked through my Bible. Inside was a notecard that read "Satan..(had 2 pentagrams)...Satan." I saw her see this and I thought, "Oh shit." She turned to me and yelled at me for having that in my Bible, besides, I am a priest right?

She started to play my cds and rewind them so it would play backwards. The first one she put on was a Marilyn Manson cd that I had never heard before. She rewinded a couple of songs and realized that there were no backwards messages on it. Then she played another cd that ended up being rap and I told her, "Ummm, that's not mine." She played a third one and I heard the beautiful voice of Trent Reznor come on, once again something I have never heard of his.

After that dream I had a dream where an old friend of mine, Reuben, wanted me to stay over at his house. So I asked my dad if I could and he said, "Yeah." I went to my closet to get some clothes and searching through my shirts I saw a bundle of black ones. About half the shirts were Marilyn Manson and there was a cool long sleeve one that had printing all over the front, on the back it had "Evil" and some design up on the left shoulder blade. I put that one on and took off.

That was the extent of my night, is my conscious trying to tell me something?