Project Pitchfork - IO

Released July 18, 1995

The third album of Germanic electro-industrial act Project Pitchfork, Io is one of their strongest: still filled with the vigor of youth but engineered with the precision and purpose of a well maintained Machine, as evidently the band now armed with the unparalleled Akai S-3000 were finally able to engineer the sounds they wanted, yet their style had not yet fully crystalised.

The first thing that a new listener will notice about the album is the rolling, thunderous basslines and pads. This is one of the best albums with which to shake your neighbours house down and should definitely be listened to with the subwoofer On High

The title track, IO, has one of the most bone chilling basses I have ever heard and at the same time a deep, rolling rhythm. The lyrics are mind blowing the first time you hear them, and make it a great way to introduce your lover to the band and genre.

The wonder of love reduced
To a function of hormones
The wonder of life reduced
To a reaction of instinct
The wonder of belief misused
For power, for power
The blindness of both
As an answer to the separation of one.

Throughout the course of this 61 minute journey through the sorrows of a planet choked by its own children, the listener is treated to a dazzling, often overwhelming display of anger for the loss of human conscience and for our dying planet.

Besides the opening track, the other frequently cited track from this album is Renascense, which is probably the strongest track in PP's repertoire. Again powered by the throbbing bassline, offset only by a limp drum loop (as if the drummer is himself being knocked off balance by the bass),and some brilliant angel voices, this is another acid test for your speakers: the bass threatens to rattle your brain off its shoulders. Trust me, it's worth it.

Track Listing:
1. 6:04 Io (As A Symbol)
2. 5:48 The Gate
3. 6:14 The Silverthread
4. 5:46 Carrion
5. 5:36 The Seeker
6. 6:03 The Swamp Of Secrecy
7. 5:23 Terra Incognita
8. 5:48 Renascence
9. 5:06 Antidote
10. 5:22 Equilibrium
11. 3:45 Conclusion