A manga epic by Osamu Tezuka, considered by the author to be his "life's work". The original Japanese title is "hi no tori" - literally, "firebird". It consists of twelve self-contained but interrelated volumes published between 1967 and 1988, alternating between the legendary/historical past and the science-fiction future. Tezuka intended to have the series gradually converge on a final volume set in the present which would unify all the preceding volumes, but he did not finish this during his lifetime.

The unifying element of the series is, of course, the Phoenix, immortal symbol of the life force, portrayed as intelligent, telepathic, and concerned with humanity's spiritual development. In some cases, the Phoenix is at the center of the plot; in others, all it seems to do is appear to people in visions and impart wisdom.

As of this writing, only the second volume has been published in English translation. A chart in the back of that volume summarizes the series as follows: