Savoir Faire is also the name of a Canadian television show on HGTV which is hosted by Nik Manojlovich. (The show's website gives a pronunciation guide to the handle: Man-oil-of-itch). The show is billed as "the definitive guide to entertaining with elegance and ease."

The show is relatively new and has become a great hit, though I find it insipid. Every half-hour the impossibly enthusiastic Nik takes on a "special occasion" and plans and hosts a swell party. One week it's an Asian theme, and Nik gushes about the cool fans and lacquerware he found in Chinatown, on which he serves dim sum that he whipped up himself. The next, it's Valentine's Day, Nik's favourite, and he's done up the room is a romantic froth of roses and pink tulle, with heart-shaped name tags for each guest and a cake decorated with cupids. To quote from the website again:

From throwing a clambake to choosing the perfect wine, from hosting a romantic dinner to crafting gorgeous gifts, Savoir Faire truly believes there's always good reason to have a great time.

This is serious entertaining, folks, and not for the faint of heart. I don't know anyone who'd throw a party as elaborate as those of Nik Manojlovich, but he seems to think it's the most normal thing in the world to choose a theme for a get-together and hand craft matching party favours. Go figure.

Lots of women love Nik, who's handsome and debonair - and almost certainly gay. He does public events around Toronto that are attended by hoardes of breathless forty-somethings who struggle to follow Nik in making swans out of napkins, something he, but not they, can do without breaking a sweat.

Check out the website at