A kozolec is a distinctive hayrack found in Slovenia and Slovene parts of Italy and Austria. Slovenia is Central European nation that was formerly part of Yugoslavia. The kozolec is free-standing, permanent and usually made of wood. It takes its form from a pattern built around the square root of 2. It can be of two primary forms. The first is a long single rack covered with a roof. The second is a more barn-like structure comprised of a doubled rack, covered with a roof, often having a loft or open space where equipment, animals or people could be protected from rain storms. Originally used for the storage of foodstuffs and, later, fodder for animals, the kozolec is disappearing from the cultural landscape of Slovenia. Please see the University of Ljubljana's site at http://www.ijs.si/kozolci/ or http://web.utk.edu/~tapplega/kozolec/.