Blogger is a free blog-publishing service, with a relatively simple interface which allows both busy, inexperienced users and complete idiots to create a blog. It was one of the earliest providers of weblog resources; it was started around 1999 by Pyra Labs and then bought by Google in 2003. Blogs made with blogger generally use the subdomain of '' though Blogger provides a service to allow people to use their own purchased domain name of choice. Because of Blogger's versatility, large numbers of people use it to blog about their interests, there is a wide variety of content

Like most other blogging platforms, blogger blogs automatically have an rss feed. feedburner is another rss feed creator belonging to google; as with other aspects of blogger there is some degree of overlap between the services provided by companies acquired by google's benign phagocytosis and the built-in features.

Blogger is very modular; the only absolutely necessary thing on the page is a place to post, the actual weblog. However there are a number of additional options for embedding feeds, listing public followers, searching your blog and easily adding chicklets available on the web(that other people have already written, giving you a free day that would have otherwise been devoted to unprofitable boredom.)
There are resources to track the total number of readers and the popularity of individual articles.

Because of the ease of publishing, blogs (not just on blogger) attract people who feel like they have something to say. While in many cases this is a good thing, often it provides a forum for the completely insane or completely inane author to try to garner an audience. Fortunately because reading a blog is a voluntary association these blogs only appeal to similarly unwell or irredeemably dull people. For whatever reason, blogs on blogger do have a slightly lower reputation for quality than independent blogs that people have created on their own or free blogs on Wordpress. This is possibly because many intellectual and academic bloggers tend to use Wordpress. Though wordpress doesn't allow for easy customization/modification of css or html, which blogger does.