Seattle may not have the greatest architecture but the climate and the greenery more than make up for it. The grass is green and the flowers bloom 365 days of the year while also having variety in weather(unlike other always green places like California). And while the days are overcast the rain is always light and any place that a tree or aflower or vines would fit is stuffed full of lush greeness. Also the beautiful houses and apartment complexes provide hours of pleasure for the urban geographer as they are densely located in the most unsuspecting of places. The weather is never ass-frying Hot and Never ass-freezing cold. Always mild. To the west is the Sound and the beautiful San-Juan Islands, to the North is the path to neato Vancouver where gambling and drinking is available to 19 year olds and To the south is smelly but always interesting Tacoma. Look to the the East to see the closest one of the three ranges of beautiful beautiful mountains that are within view. Just beyond the Mountains to the East lie a very weird and intriguing midland desert.

The cost of living keeps getting higher and higher and Gridlock is the third worst in the nation. (its best not to enter a car between the hours of 7am-11am and 3:30-8 pm.)

Panhandling is legal and the panhandlers lurk on the fringes of any highly public area. But the various neighborhoods are pretty safe at all hours. Very inviting for those late night walks essential to helping one get over the loss of a love or any promising prospect.

The current Mayor is a complete dufus, the crowds are overly-rowdy and politcally passionate and billionaire Paul Allen owns a large amount of the city...those amounts growing by the month(bye-bye KCMU). But due to the UW many parts of the city cater to The college age. That includes yuppies, freak, geeks, and musicians (throw a rock and youll hit a musician) and whatever else you can think of. For the most part, theres always something to do.

But I love Seattle. Seattle is my home.