American Wiccan. I'm not intimately familiar with her work, but she seems to be the Wiccan equivalent of a Christian creationist fundamentalist. She has written several thick books of the sort all religions produce, which are perhaps only intelligible by people who already understand the faith. She has also produced at least one guide to Wicca for young people - Teen Witch, or something. In this book, she asserted that the European Witch-hunt was a form of genocide against indigenous pagans by the church. She provides a convenient side-note describing the period as the Dark Ages - which she regards as an accurate historical term for the period from 410 to 1066 CE. Never mind that most witch-hunts were later than that, and did not target pagans, or that the period mentioned was in fact a time of considerable cultural output by pagans and Christians alike. Beowulf, the works of Bede, the early forms of the Nibelungenlied, the rise of Byzantium...

Ms RavenWolf (see BiCapitalization) has also written a series of novels about teenage witches, and a number of pamphlets of spells. I am reliably informed that my sampling of her works has been unfortunate, and that her books for adults take a more reasoned and reasonable line than 'Teen Witch'. Apologies to any fans of her work out there. I'm an ignorant cynic, but I know when I see an obvious error. :-)

Wuukiee's WU below is a more balanced critique, perhaps.