...it's logically stupid

Logical by no means equals intelligent. Logic is a construct, a system - things can exist and thrive outside of its boundaries. Demanding that all statements are logically correct before proclaiming them true is not much different from demanding that all statements comply with the tenets of Religion X.

The only person who told you God was omniscient is God.

Bzzt. Wrong. God hasn't spoken out loud to anyone I can think of in quite some time. Plus, of course, s/he is not a person.

Quibbles with Christian dogma aside, there can be no discussion of the Bible being right or wrong without admission that it is the work of humans. One cannot admit the possibility of errors in the Bible (except for the editorial or translation error, which can illuminate but not define the main principles expressed) if one is arguing from the point of view of it being the verbatim word of God.

Basically, this thing gets you coming and going - you can't argue that the Bible is wrong with people who believe in its divine origin, and you can't argue God is wrong with people who accept that it is a human effort and might very well misrepresent the divine principles behind it.

So what am I saying here? Basically - save yourself the time and don't argue. You (the ineffable "you", not you personally) can't change anyone's mind by applying logical arguments to illogical (but still valid, mind you) beliefs, and even if you can that is not necessarily to their or anyone else's benefit. If you're not looking to be converted, don't put yourself in a position where a believer will feel provoked to try and convert you. Or at least don't complain when they do.

Leave religious people alone. If you object to the influence they have with the state, argue with the state. Otherwise, don't meddle in that which you have no desire to understand.