Webster 1913's definition is apt and correct.
I like your strategy of using one piece of evidence to prove a point against it. After your discussion of Naval piracy, you say:

Piracy is also used as a Newspeak smear word to associate sharing an infinitely renewable resource (usually software) with an actual heinous crime against actual people.

Do not misuse the word piracy.

Hmmm... if only you'd read Webster 1913's third part, you might have not used the word 'newspeak'...
"Sometimes used, in a quasi-figurative sense, of violation of copyright; but for this, infringement is the correct and preferable term."
Interesting - the use of 'piracy' in the sense you refer to is not new: it's been around for 90 years. After all, copying without permission is a violation of copyright.
Zorin: surely using software without payment is a violation of the licence agreement in most cases?

I don't agree with software licensing either, and your node is good, but I felt this rebuttal was needed.