I worked as the IT Manager for Aviation Security Service (abbreviated to AvSec, as the acronym isn't that flash) in bonnie New Zealand for a couple of years. It is their role to pass all luggage through an x-ray unit, and search passengers setting off the metal detector you walk through when leaving the country. There are also several other roles they perform (regular searching of aircraft for explosives and weapons, ground security, etc).

Each of the main international airports has display cabinets in the AvSec offices of confiscated dangerous items. You would be astounded at the items people try to carry aboard an international flight - many of which are covert weapons, designed specifically for the "protection" of the holder.

Such items include:

So it is for this reason that in the storeroom where I kept computer bits there was always a large supply of rubber gloves for the security workers. The next time you consider attempting to get through an airport security stop with a weapon onboard, try practising bending over and touching your toes with your pants around your ankles first...