It was, lest we forget, the time of oppression. Afrikaans was the language of oppression. I didn't believe that the Afrikaans language had any reason to exist.

Then I heard Koos Kombuis's Niemandsland album, and all that changed. Such tender lyricism. Such play with language and history. Such defiant iconoclasm.

The name Koos Kombuis is a well-chosen psuedonym. Koos is an Afrikaans name, often used as the butt of jokes. Kombuis means kitchen, and is a reference to Kitchen-Dutch - see the Afrikaans node.

The alias P.F.P. van Wyk Louw is a play on the name of the poet N.P. van Wyk Louw, who was much beloved of the Afrikaaner establishment. The joke in the name is that N.P. also stands for National Party, i.e. the architects of Apartheid, and P.F.P. for Progressive Federal party, their liberal opposition.