This filming technique is used to create interview footage that seems more natural by hiding the camera lens from the subject. The interviewee, instead of talking to a camera lens, experiences the illusion of having a one-on-one conversation with a person, with no camera gear interfering with nonverbal communication. The audience watching the interview also perceives the interview as more natural because of the unhindered nonverbal communication.

Errol Morris' original technique uses a video screen to project his image to the subject, but the makers of The Corporation took the idea further and created a setup that preserves true human to human interaction.

  • The subject sits in front of a semi-reflective teleprompter mirror which reflects to him the image of his interviewer.
  • The black box around the camera gear ensures that the camera remains invisible to the subject
  • An extra light source on the interviewer increases his visibility versus the black box camera
  • An opaque barrier prevents the subject from making eye contact directly with the interviewer, thus preventing breaking it with the camera/image
  • The dotted line represents the eyesight path
  • The camera lens should be lined up with the eyesight between interviewer and subject, heightwise as well.
              .        / opaque
        \*    .    */ / barrier  
              .      /          __
             \.                |_ |
teleprompter  \ . . . . . . . .{_)| interviewer
      mirror  .\               |__|
           ___.___       \*
          |   U   |      
          |  | |  |  camera in
          |  |_|  |  black box

\*   light
*/   sources

Source: The Corporation web site