Feel like taking a quick walk across the lake? Ice skating? First, check the ice thickness...
Ice thickness     Permissable load
2 inches          one person on foot
3 inches          group in single file
7.5 inches        passenger car (2-ton gross)
8 inches          light truck(2.5-ton gross)
10 inches         medium truck (3.5-ton gross)
12 inches         heavy truck (8-ton gross)
15 inches         10 tons
20 inches         25 tons
30 inches         70 tons
36 inches         110 tons
Source: "The Old Farmer's Almanac" (http://www.almanac.com/edpicks/safeicethickness.html)

(It then adds: "[Calculated for] solid clear blue/black and lake ice.
Slush ice has only half the strength of blue ice.
Strenghth value of river ice is 15 percent less.")

Oh, and be careful... just because the ice is thick enough in one region of the lake, doesn't mean it's the same anywhere else. Falling in a frozen lake is dangerous, damn it! If you catch hypothermia, and die...