Guess who the fuck is not going a way?


No matter how much you cry, stomp your feet or try to burn down the court house, Trump is still your president until certification of the vote. With all the evidence mounting the US national media is ignoring that certification might take a little longer than normal.

Why wouldn't Biden's campaign want a clean election? Why wouldn't they offer a recount in the questionable states if they are sure they have the people's vote. After all their campaigning was namely about moral superiority, right? Because throwing an election takes a lot of leg work so why would anyone want to leave it up to chance. Instead of refuting the information with better, more accurate data they happily allow social media to censor the dissemination of any information they choose with the blanket term of 'fake.'

But that is not all, it seems like everyone want to get in on the action. Fox news literally cut the feed to the president's press secretary 30 seconds before giving a list of evidence submitted backing their allegations.

Censorship allows the any of the ignorant out there to make the claim these allegations are meritless, because we all know dumb fucks get 100% their information from comic strips instead of doing independent research.

Don't be the idiot that uses a cartoon as a weapon in a battle of intelligence.

Seriously, if your argument is a straw man delivered by an animated character it is time to grow a brain and allow it to mature before trying to refute any more ideas. At the moment I am writing this news week finally made a report about 11,000 people coming forward with claims of voter fraud.

Do you want to know what is meritless? The claims of no evidence. Do you want to know what is stupid? Believing voter fraud doesn't occur in every election. The question is did it make a difference?

In Texas the person charged with over 100 counts of voter fraud didn't make a difference but Texas wasn't considered a swing state.

The argument this time around is the voter 'irregularities' are wide spread and had an impact on the results, and guess what, people are not just making this shit up and submitting phony court documents.

There were 1,600 people over 100 years-old in Pennsylvania, and several hundred in Nevada that voted. Not statically impossible but personally I want to shake the hand of the 170 year-old that voted for Joe Biden. I want to know their secrets, ask them a few questions like how did they escaped being listed Guinness book of world records for so many decades. I bet longevity of life and solitude are somehow connected.

This election was decided years ago by the national news, this was clear by their bias in what they report and the commentary their hosts shared daily. I remember the same smear campaigns occurring during the second Bush election in 2000, but what is not widely known is Larry J. Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, later bought one of the voting machines responsible for the possible mismarked ballots during the 2000 hanging chad fiasco. He said that one machine alone accounted for enough ballots to make up the difference between Mr. Bush and Mr. Gore, which was 537 votes in a state that saw 6 million ballots cast. This is then coupled with stories coming out of Michigan of human errors and possible glitches coming from the precincts that used a machine known to be faulty.

Problems with the system cause a distrust which causes disenfranchisement, disenfranchisement leads to lower turn out, if the number is small enough dead people turn out in record numbers. This has been going on for years. There are no fresh jokes to tell about this, every joke on this subject is dead, and I don't like zombies hence the reason I didn't vote for Biden.

Someone inform that guy he has been brain-dead for decades, please.

Fuck me, I am starting to get cynical again and I need to remember to "Stay gold, ponyboy, stay gold" even though I am an outsider getting bullied by the popular punks. It is no longer a clear cut case of self-defense when you hulk smash your opponent into dust.