Let just say you’re at a company party gettin' down and jiggy wit it, okay? All of sudden you have an alcoholic beverage in your sweaty palms just begging to be swallowed. You think, “Why not, even the boss is enjoying a few.” The first disappears without thought and the following drinks disappear just as quickly. Now the party is over and everyone is climbing into their cars and heading home where they arrive unharmed to their waiting families. Do you think the people that drank at that party and then drove home under the influence should be fired, or should it be because they drank a small amount of alcohol at work?

Now, the next time you submit your urine for analysis remember marijuana is safer than alcohol yet this private company has every right to let go anyone they choose even when their actions don’t even interact with the companies safe work place policy for consuming a plant. Even though they not only condone, they support the violation of other laws specifically, Driving while Impaired. Also, ask yourself, would I work for a place that forces a breathalyzer screening that effectively prevents drinking every night except for Friday night and only if it is moderate and I am not scheduled to work for the following two days? Ask yourself, if nicotine becomes a substance reviewed in urinalysis would I fight diligently for the access to this freedom? Would I speak up if bringing caffeinated beverages to work were not allowed? Are any of these scenarios starting to sound like a violation of privacy, or does it sound a lot like a form of slavery where a company tries to oppress the people through their perverted control over our way of life?

Now imagine your co-worker lost their job earlier in the week because of a failed a piss test, not because of consuming marijuana or other drugs while at work, but because of something they consumed nearly a month ago on their own free time. The thing of the matter is, marijuana is the only drug, actually, that a drug test screening is effective because all other drugs are water soluble and are flushed from the body in less than 48 hours. While a metabolized form of the chemical found in marijuana, Tetrahydrocannabinol, can linger for a few months at a time. So the question that begs to be answered is, who is easier to catch in this war on drugs, the chronic crack feign or the infrequent pothead.