A side project of Greg Dulli from those zany Afghan Whigs. He thinks of it in the same light as David Bowie becoming Ziggy Stardust.

"I inhabited a persona, the Twilite Kid, who lives in the gray area between day and night. I didn't know who I was, so I made someone up." (Spin, December 2000)

Whatever. Still, the Singers (basically Greg Dulli, some studio musicians and Fila Brazillia) just released Twilight... As Played By The Twilight Singers, and it's really good. But not very Afghan Whigs-y. Soulful, yes, but more downbeat, moody and appropriately enough, dusky. It's a lot of soul, but lots of strings and Fila Brazillia's dreamy, ambient layering. Allegedly, the Singers aren't a fluke, and that Dulli will still work with the Whigs.