Moi ... Lolita is a song that got quite some airtime in Europe in the summer of 2000 and again in 2001 (depending what country you were in - it was a hit in France first, but didn't hit the rest of europe before the year after).

Personally, I think it bears great similarities, melody wise, with Dido's song Hunter.

The song is rather dancy, with lyrics and a melody that sticks to your mind very easily. The rhythm is somewhat 80s disco like, but in a strangely satisfying way.

After the movie Lolita, most of us connect the word with pedophilia, and if you listen to the text, this could indeed be the topic of the song, although in this case the contrast between happy europop disco and the theme seems a bit harsh. I dunno.

I transcribed the lyrics myself, so they might be a bit off, my french is anything but perfect. I had my sister take a look at it, though, so most of the spelling mistakes should be killed.

For your reading pleasure, a translation is provided below.

Moi ... Lolita

By: Alizée

Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Lo ou bien Lola
Du pareil au même
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Quand je rêve aux loups
C'est Lola qui saigne
Quand fourche ma langue,
j'ai là un fou rire aussi fou
Qu'un phénomène Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes

Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Collégienne aux bas
Bleus de méthylène
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Coléreuse et pas
Mi-coton, mi-laine
Motus et bouche qui n'dis pas
À maman que je suis un phénomène
Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes


C'est pas ma faute
Et quand je donne ma langue aux chats
Je vois les autres
Tout prêts à se jeter sur moi
C'est pas ma faute à moi
Si j'entends tout autour de moi
Hello, helli, t'es A (L.O.L.I.T.A.)

Moi ... Lolita

- Me, I call myself Lolita
- Lo or better Lola
- It doesn't matter to me
- Me, I call myself Lolita
- When I dream about the wolves
- Lola is the one who bleeds
- when I make a slip of the tongue
- I am insane, I laugh insane
- As a phenomenon I am called Lolita
- Lo to life, lo to torrential love

- Me, I call myself Lolita
- Schoolgirl to the bone (?)
- methylene blue
- Me, I call myself Lolita
- angry
- Half cotton, half wool
- To my mother I am a phenomenon
- As a phenomenon I am called Lolita
- Lo to life, lo to torrential love


- It's not my fault
- and when the cat's got my tongue
- I see the others
- all ready to gang up on me
- It's not my fault
- because I hear it all around me
- Hello, hello, I am your LOLITA

Albert Herring notes that "lo de vie" etc are puns on "l'eau de vie" (the water of life)

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