A shared universe fictional writing list started in 1989 and hosted, in turn, by CSSERVE at the University of Maine at Orono, the UMNEWS server at the same place, the NICBBS server at BITNIC (back in the days of BITNET), the LISTSERV at UCF1VM (a University of Central Florida server) and finally its permanent home at the eyrie.org mailserver.

Superguy is supposed to be quality humorous superhero fiction. In practical terms, two out of three of these will be acceptable. Except of course, that no one actually controls what is "acceptable" and "not acceptable." It's all pure anarchy, which means some stories are tremendously good and some suck wind.

Which stories are the former versus the latter is subject to some debate, though "Tales to Smurfify" is universally accepted as sucking the wind of bigness.