Something that is used as an insult by boys, and even occasionally by immature boys over 18. It suggests that the male of the species has an ability to throw a ball, or some other object, in a style that is superior to the female, and that this is somehow a natural thing for the normal male, but requires a lot of practice and learning for the female.

Of course, there seems to be little attention paid to the possibility that parents and other children tend to push boys into physical play and sports a lot more then they do girls, and that they work with the boys to teach them how to do this. A likely possibility, given that many fathers like the idea of their son becoming a famous athlete, especially in the popular sports like baseball, basketball, or football. (One must wonder what the father feels when their son becomes famous for figure skating, considering they tend to equate manliness with their career, and that of their son, quite often)

The Nodeshell Rescue Team, fighting against some stereotypes, and for others...