Since August of 1993, the USENET Volunteer Votetakers --- The Knights Who Say Ack! --- have conducted polls for close to a gross of groups. Co-ordinated by Ron Dippold, who has himself handled several dozen proposals, they have provided a very valuable service to USENET by bringing quality and consistency to a observably less than ideal group creation process. They do their jobs with no compensation but the feeling that they are contribution something positive to the network news community. It's generally a job done without observable gratitude, and I don't want it overlooked. Knights, on behalf of myself and many group proponents, users and administrators everywhere, I say thank you. Well done!

The UVV has pretty much put an end to the formerly-common flamewars over vote results; biased vote-takers, vote floodings, and other Usenet Big 7 voting rules violations have dropped remarkably since their inception. They will also do straw polls on various subjects, in addition to their usual CFV vote counting, if asked nicely.