Today saw the first day of real sunshine after three days of snow and freezing rain here in the Frozen North. The unique combination of precipitation and temperature fluctuations has covered every tree, streetlamp, and any other surface with a layer of pristine white snow that is frozen solid and will not come off for some time. Everything here is beautiful. The view outside my window could have drifted right off of a Hallmark greeting card.

To get away from work and cabin fever, a group of friends and I made a twenty minute jaunt to an abandoned ski hill south of here to do a little sledding. After an hour, my hair was a solid helmet of ice, and my ass was impossibly sore from going over unforeseen jumps. Coming down is a bitch when there’s only a few millimeters of plastic between your bottom and packed snow. Going thirty down a forty-degree slope doesn't help much either.

Beautiful Girl came up from the city last night to spend the weekend with me (she was part of the sledding expedition). After the two of us warmed up and regained feeling in our hands we went into town and had a nice dinner at the local boho coffee joint. She is currently zonked out on the bed as a result of a poor night’s sleep and absolutely no stamina whatsoever. She is also snoring to wake the dead. I have been periodically throwing candy sweethearts leftover from Valentine's day ($.88 at Ames) at the back of her head—softly of course—in a weak attempt to wake her. Actually, it's more of an experiment to see how deep this girl actually sleeps. I've known Beautiful Girl for a long time; she sleeps like a log. Over twenty candy hearts with messages such as "FAX ME" and "URA STAR" and still no response.