A truck stop hooker is, naturally, a hooker (a prostitute, a lady of the evening) whose chosen outlet for offering of her wares is the truck stop, the typically small town or isolated highway eatery/fuel station/place of commiseration for the long haul truck driver. There's a popular notion that the truck stop variety of this variable vixen differs in some important sense from the garden variety urban street hooker. She is, the saw would suggest, plainer to look at, dressed less flashily, at the same time more naive about the world and more worldly-wise about the lesser angels of its denizens. She is a short country girl with a freckled hide, but a tougher cookie, battle-hardened to hold her own in the rough world of the road warrior. She doesn't have much in the way of regular johns, her world being populated only by the itinerant sojourner. Lacking this vital human connection of regularity, they are reputed to be more likely to lift wallets and watches. Probably the most sadly famous example illustrating the dehumanisation of this category of employ was Aileen Wuornos, the rare female serial killer.