The tone of the movie had set it off from many of the movies created at the time. A romantic comedy, but with a bitterness attached to it that many people can relate to.

Cher plays an Italian American widow in her 30s who does not believe she is capable of love any longer. She obliges to marry the man she is seeing, not out of love, but out of fatigue. She figured it would make him happy. Her fiance then travels to Italy to be at the bedside of his dying mother, and during this time, Cher meets his younger brother, played by Nicolas Cage. Things change for her. Things change for other people in her family. The moon is involved.

One of the most memorable moments is when Cage says the following:

"I love you. Not like they told you love is and I didn't know this either, but love don't make things nice- it ruins everything. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and to love the wrong people and die. The storybooks are bullshit."