I burnt the US flag several times in 1990. Mostly during the Gulf War.

But we (me and my friends in the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade) also held a flag burning on June 10th, 1990 (I think) on the steps of the Art Institute of Chicago.

We did this on the day after the US Supreme Court decided flag burning was free speech.

So there we were me, Jethro (what a brother know), Kevin, Juliette, Anika, Ed, Karyn and , well I don't remember who else, but there couldn't have been more than a dozen of us.

We were in turn surrounded by a ring of Chicago Cops who were in turn surrounded by a ring of photographers, reporters and other assorted media types.
We got down to business burning two or three flags we had ripped off the night before (cloth ones burn better than nylon or plastic ones). The jounalist got down to business taking pictures and getting sound bites and the cops just stood around pissed off that they couldn't bust us for burning the flag.

After that we went out to Java Jive for espresso. From there I called my Mom, who said, "where are you?"

I responded, "At Java Jive" She said, "I saw you on TV burning the flag. Don't come home." I said, "ok," and returned to my java. This was 7 days after graduating High School and I was pretty damn psyched to get the hell out of the house.

The upshot of the story is that this act of flagrant flag burning got me one of my 15 minutes of fame. Yep, Newsweek was at that flag burning and they put Jethro (what a brother know), Juliette and I into their swell magazine. We shared an article with some rapper from Florida who sang nasty songs about nasty sex. I don't remember his name.

If you want to check it out (the photo) go to the local library and find the issue of Newsweek with Madonna and Dick Tracy on the cover from June 1990. Then go to the flag burning article... I'm the kid holding the flaming flag wearing a kafiya and a Bob Marley t-shirt.