*horns blowing*

*lights quickly flicker on*

*screams and singing shouting through the air*

Well that's what I remember of my 14th birthday at least - oh and iceskating that night, which was exciting!

It's only my birthday on server time, February 11th, 2003 - my 22nd year on Earth has come around and it doesn't get any better from last year so far.

There was a lot of people born on my birthday in 1981 cause it was a huge blizzard as I'm told - the hospital was packed and people were rushed in and out of delivery rooms like it was a subway station and people changing trains. But I was born healthy and a cute bundle of joy to new parents - yay.

I guess I have a lot of be thankful for on my past 22 years - never having major health problems just a broken arm and jaw surgery. Fairly successful in school - still deciding what I want to do when I grow up!

Now all I have looking forward to is finally finishing college I was actually looking at other universities today to transfer and finish faster. But I'm trying to rush my 1.5 years left - need to ease down.

Happy Birthday to me!