The Mecke reagent is an improvement on the tried-and-true Marquis reagent for field-testing Ecstasy pills. The main advantage of the Mecke (pronounced Meh-Kee) reagent is that it is easier to distinguish between MDMA (or similar chemical) and DXM, one of the few areas in which the Marquis reagent falls short. The test procedure is identical to that used with the Marquis reagent (testing the pill scrapings).

In the presence of an MDMA-like substance, the reagent will turn green (in small concentrations), blue (moderate concentrations), or black (high concentration).

In the presence of DXM, the reagent will go from yellow (lowest) to gold (highest), depending on concentration.

In the presence of 2C-T-7, the reagent will turn orange (low), red (medium), or violet (high).

If the Mecke reagent tests positive for an MDMA-like substance, there is an additional reagent that can be used to determine exactly which substance is in the pill. Simon's reagent (also available from DanceSafe) will distinguish between MDA and MDMA/MDE. Currently, no field test can distinguish between MDMA and MDE (which is extremely rare). Simon's reagent turns blue in the presence of either MDMA or MDE, and stays green in the presance of MDA.

As with the Marquis reagent, it is important to remember that these tests only tell you what chemical is in the pill, it doesn’t guarantee how pure it is. This is qualitative analysis, not quantitative.