The "Oldest Post of the Corps" was established in 1801 in Washington, D.C. and is located at "8th and I." When the site was selected, then President Thomas Jefferson and Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Burros rode through Washington looking for the best place. They decided on the location beacuse it was within easy marching distance of the Capitol and the Navy Yard.

The early building was arranged in a quadrangle. Two parts of the quadrangle were used to house maintenance facilities, offices, and living spaces for the troops. The west side was used to house the officers. The only original building that is still standing is the commandant's house which is on the north side of the building. The comandant's house is the oldest public building in continuous use in Washington.

The barracks was used as training ground for new recruits and officers. Up till 1901, it was also the location of the Marine Corps Headquarters. Troops based here serverd in the defense of Washington during the War of 1812.

Since 1801, the United States Marine Corps Band has been located here. The Band was asked to play for John Adams at the Executive Mansion, which began the tradition of the President's Own. While staying at this location John Phillip Sousa wrote many of his marches.

Currently a company of 8th and I Marines serve at Camp David and also serve as presidential support.

Information from this node was taken from, the offical homepage of the Marine Corps Barracks