I know I said I'd do a daylog entry on mom today, but I promised Alex I'd be nice. Besides, if you can't say something nice about someone you shouldn't say anything at all.


*nary-a-hope dog ranch dreaming*


So anyways, I'm right on the verge of sleep/non-sleep the other night when I take a dip into dreamland. A giant shade of a dog spirit walks up and devours me in a couple chomps. I then rumble around his stomach for 5 minutes or so, and am then shit out. Will some all-knowing (or some knowing) dreamologist contact me with the meaning of this dream? I'm not likely to fully believe your interpretation, but I like creative ideas.


-Damn good news-


I have been fighting a court battle the last couple months, because a young woman I met last summer thought that I was stalking her. My old trailer house burned down April 12, and I was forced to live in town on my mom's couch. My choices of things to do was rather limited, as I have no driver's license due to some D.U.I. trouble back in '07. Not many of my male friends live in town, and those that do work construction in the summer. So my choices were 1) sit on mom's couch and watch T.V. news all day (which I despise), 2) sit in the bar all day (which I can't afford), or 3) sit on my friend Melynda's couch and listen to her stereo and drink instant coffee that I brought from the grocery store 100 yards up the street. I chose option 3 the vast majority of the time, and 1 of her young women neighbors got it into her head that I was sitting there looking out Melynda's window intentionally to monitor her comings and goings. Anyone who has ever fought a woman in court in Minnesota knows I just about crapped my pants when I received those charges in the mail.

But today my lawyer gave me good news. He had struck a plea agreement with the prosecutor wherein I would sit 10 days in jail, with some court supervised probation, a year hanging over my head for same or similar offense within 10 years, and no fine. Great news! But since I am on SSDI and would lose a month's pay for sitting 10 days, I am throwing myself on the mercy of the court in the morning and asking for 30 days house arrest instead. I sure hope the judge goes for it.