I- I was talking to a couple of Yachad advisors/coordinators. And they were talking about a National Council for the Disabled, of which Yachad was a part. And I was walking with them, up the driveway of my school, and they mentioned the director of the National COuncil for the Disabled- Yitzchak something. I asked them to describe him. They said he was tall, had blue eyes, and was jolly. I recognized in this description someone I know, Yissy.

II- I was at the Hillcrest Yachad shabbaton, though the Young Israel of Hillcrest looked different than it really does, and the shabbaton wasn't hige like it usually is. Everybody was leaving, because the shabbaton was over, but it was only the afternoon. And I was crying because this was my last shabbaton. I went outside, stood on the steps for a while, walked around the synogogue- I was waiting for a ride. Then I went back inside to phone my mother and ask her to pick me up. When I got inside, it wasn't the Young Israel anymore, it was a resteraunt just closing up shop- the waiters were sweeping. I asked to use a phone and one of them- a Mexican man who I don't think spoke English- led me up an open flight of atairs to where a small loft-office and a telephone were. He tried, showing not speaking, to show me how to use the phone- it's numbers were screwed up, some numbers were repeated twice, some were blank- and I indicated I could figure it out myself.

III- I was going to my cousin Aliza's Bat Mitzvah and I realized I had "nothing to wear". So I put on a grey suit with a huge stain on the back, and I got my face all clean, hoping that on the way to the bat mitzvah I could buy I dress I liked better. And I was worrying about this until I realized that the bat mitzvah couldn't really be on that day, because it was really the next week. So I ran out of the door of my mom's house and down to my father's car, which was parked down the street, not in front of the house. My father and my siblings were already in the car and they had been just leaving.

IV- It was a hot summer day. My brother Yaacov and I decided to take my littler brother Kivi out. So we went to a mall/movie theatre complex but none of the movies (which were on the ground floor) were good. So we took the escalator down into the mall section in the basement. We were standing on a circular mosaic at the foot of the escalator and Yaacov said he wanted to go home. I said OK, and hoped I could find something to do with Kivi, though I didn't have any money.

V- There was a wedding, of some relative of the BIllets, and I was in the Billet family. We were running out the door to get there. Shira BIllet and I were rounding up little kids and putting apples in bags for them to eat later.

VI- I was watching an army scene, something like a documentary. There were a lot of soldiers camped out. Some were children, some babies. And the point of the documentary was the exhibit tender homosecuality in World War Two armies. So I saw a bunch of soldiers, including the children and babies, all shirtless, sitting around a campfire sucking each others enlarged nipples. The soldiers were on a mountain top. They had to get to the bottom really fast, so this is how they did it- one of them would fasten a chain around his waist which was connecte to a metal ring hammered into the mountainside. Then, as if bungee jumping, he'd leap down. So I saw one soldier do this to get to the bottom. And then another person, it might have been a woman, jumped the same way, only into the mountain, as if down the core of a volcano. Inside the base of the mountain there was a huge chamber under construction. The woman landed on a metal net that was the chamber's roof. The chamber was lit with torches, it was for playing a game, a sort of Risk, with human gamepieces. So we were playing that, and the woman who had bingee jumped into the chamber was winning. She had the rest of the players, which included me and Tali Fuss and some other people, lined up in front of her as if before a firing squad. She asked us, what is the most important song in the world? I asked her, can one of us guess, or do we need to choose together? Meaning, if I chose, would my team be liable if I was wrong. I was thinking of some Simon and Garfunkel song. Then Tali started to name a chemical- there must have been a song named after it. And the woman- she would've killed us if we were wrong- misheard Tali as saying "supercalafragilisticexpealidocious', which was the right answer, She cheered, You're right! And I sad, congratulations, you're now the ruler of the world. And the game was over. We (the game players) were standing in a lit yard. It was nighttime. To our left was a basketball court, which the lights were for, and to our tight was the back exit of a resteraunt. A sign gav the resteraunt's name, but the letters weren't all form the English alphabet. My grade from school was coming ot that exit, they had had a dinner there. Those of them on the basketball team went onto the court to practice. There were two hoops on the side of the court closest to me and they lined up in front of them to take practice shots. Dora Chana Soslovich was their coach.

VII- i was talking via IM to Ari Schulman. He said he was on the track team in his school. I was impressed that HAFTR had a track team. He said he gave all his old, little trophoes to his younger brother, because this year he was going to win big ones. Then he said something that was syntactically all wrong, and I couldn't decipher it. The fabric of the dream was falling apart and I decided that it was time to wake up.