Well, my Day Job came to an end today; I turned in my laptop and my key cards and RSA token and signed paperwork and shook my supervisor's hand and I was done. Braunbeck had a very good interview at the Franklin Park Conservatory just two hours afterward and we're hopeful. If he gets this gig, that plus my mentoring at Seton Hill will give us some breathing room. I'll have some freedom to hunt for work that I want to do rather than have to scramble to find the first job I can do.

And also I'll have some time to work on novels for a change. Getting writing done isn't just a matter of time management. It's also energy management. It's hard to get the work done when you've already spent all your juice doing something else that day. The job I just left was a very decent job, but it was not something I'd ever intended to do with my life, and it regularly left me with an energy deficit. I was making a living but not making much progress on any of my greater life goals. And that started to chafe after a while.

It's a little scary, and it was a hard decision to make, but right now it feels like the right choice. I don't have enough time left on the planet to stay in a holding pattern. I have to move forward.

On an unrelated note, I was driving us back from dinner at the Columbus Brewing Co. We were headed up North High Street in Worthington when a deer leaped out in front of my car. I utterly did not expect a deer in that part of the city. I hit the brakes, but clipped the poor thing. It scrambled off to the side, and it took me a couple of blocks to get turned around. We drove back by the site, looking for the deer; I was going to call the wildlife rehab center if I saw it was hurt.

But apparently it got to safety; I'd have felt bad if I'd injured or killed it. We checked my car later; no dents or scratches or blood. So, a lucky close call for both of us, it seems.