Channelling Lars Ulrich ....

OK, I'm like fscking Lars Ulrich from Metallica man, and like, we eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cups however we fscking want, OK? But we don't do it for ourselves. We do it for you, the Metallica fans. I myself would like to hang out at Cultures eating Summer Salad With Avocado Dressing but to keep my physique toned for those muscle shirt shots I have to keep stoking up on the little chocolate and peanut buggers. And Het, man, he can eat them by the boxfull. We have to fscking watch him, y'know, 'cause otherwise he, like, forgets to unwrap them first, then he gets wind like you wouldn't believe and ignites himself onstage on the blazing firepot effects.

Where was I? ... Wait, uhm ...

So in conclusion, Rock On, Metallica fans, we'll see you on tour this summer. Except for you Napster users ...

Whew. Sorry, I had to try a nodeshell rescue even though Ninja-Lad beat me to it.