This recipe was given to me by a good friend of mine from when I was in college. Her kids were all grown and gone so she adopted about 7 to 9 of us freshmen . She would invite us to join her and the small membership of Rock United Methodist Church in a small farming community of Rock, Kansas. We always had a great time, the was church full of friendly people and of course we were always invited to the pot luck after services. With no car and only a Sonic and Pizza Hut in town......... after the three meals a day at the Student Union cafeteria we did cartwheels for a home cooked meal. At any rate here is Maire's recipe for my favorite dish there..... just as she typed it over 20 years ago knowing I was a young girl and didn't know much about cooking. I keep it in a plastic sleeve to protect it. I can tell you this recipe is a lot of hard work she went to for us and nothing went to waste. Here's what's cookin'

Chicken and Noodles

Serves 6-8. Recipe from the kitchen of Marie McDaniel.

Boil a large fryer or hen - however the fryer is less ex-
pensive, and also less fat. 1 ts.salt.
Add some celery tops and 1/2 medium onion to the water.
When tender, bone and skin the meat, leave in chucnk then
cut in nice sized pieces with a kitchen scissors.
Strain the broth. You can reboil the bones and skin and
get a liitle more broth. It the broth seems too fat,
cool in the refrigerator or deep freeze then take off
most of it. Bring to a boil, add the noodles, stirring
good - boil slowly for 25 minutes. This is important to
get the noodles tender. Then add the meat. If you add
it sooner it will be stringy from the stirring. Be sure
to stir the noodle off and on to keep them from sticking.

Noodles: 5 egg yolks - freeze whites until you have
1 1/2 cups - then make an angel food
from scratch.

1 Tbsp. canned milk
for each yolk.
1/2 ts, salt and flour to make a stiff dough.
Roll out thin, then cut in narrow strips.
Sprinkling with flour to keep them from sticking together. This
extra flour will help thicken the broth.
The noodles can be frozen either before or after cooked.
If before, spread in a large pan and freeze before pack-

I forgot to mention I alwyas add 1/4 ts. pepper to the cooked noodles.

kissin' wears out cookin' don't!