Informal Britnoders Soirée: the concept: London Booze Monkeys Next Generation.

These informal gatherings are held on an ad hoc basis in the general area of Central London. They are announced the Britnoders usergroup and will be listed on this glorious node. They are different from other nodermeets organised for special occasions or arrivals of foreign noders, these are purely social gatherings you just pop along to.

Brass Tacks

Where am I going? Well the default pub is Penderel's Oak but there has been dissatisfaction expressed about the pub recently, so we are currently on the hunt for a new local in the vague area of Central London. Please feel free to make a suggestion and we will publish a verdict (See below). The other default pubs have been The Bricklayer's Arms and Knights Templar.

When are these gatherings? At the moment it is irregular Fridays at least once a month. But Saturday ones are not out of the question.

What time do the soaks start arriving? Kick off after work from about 5.30pm onwards, first noder there gets to choose the table.

Who goes to these shindigs? Anyone: noders, non noders, nodermeet virgins and diehards.

Who organises it? At the moment I'm the main instigator when I am in need of a social outing. This does not mean you can not organise your own informal soirée, just let me know and I will put it on the node.

How do I know they are noders? Look for the Britnoder sock monkey or the short blonde goth with an Australian accent. If it is your first gathering of noders contact the organiser via /msg and they will make sure you have a contact of some sort.

Right you have sold me, when is the next one?

8th of December 2007 from 7.30pm at The Black horse

A gentle night of chats and relaxing before the craziness of the christmas season hits us like a drunken elf fueled on mulled wine, wearing only tinsel, brandishing mistletoe and has wicked gleam in his beady eye.

The search for a new Britnoders Arms:

The criteria for these watering holes have been decided as:

  • Decent size (not too small)
  • Food that is edible and not pricey also caters for veggies and the like.
  • Reasonably priced and good selection of drinks, some noders like English real ales, some like Czech beers, a few like cocktails.
  • Not too busy or smoky
  • No surly bar staff
  • Monkey friendly


Note: please include a link for your suggestion.