Chuck E. Cheese's is a kid-friendly pizza restaurant with games, playplaces, etc. It was created by the founder of Atari in 1977 in San Jose, California. After the emergance of Showbiz Pizza Place a series of legal battles began, and didn't really end until their merger in 1984. In 1988, they changed all the restaurants to Showbiz Pizza, but left the rest the same, however, perhaps due to the confusion from this simple name change, they were all renamed Chuck E. Cheese's in 1992 and anything related to the former Showbiz before the merger was killed off due to issues with royalites. By 1995, Chuck E. Cheese had been changed to a mouse, and was digressed into a kid (IMHO, I think their commercials are getting very cheesy). In recent years (circa. 2001), the company owning Chuck E. Cheese's (Chuck E. Cheese Entertainment Inc.) bought out Discovery Zone (Which I felt when I visited as a 10 year old, much better). Chuck E. Cheese's is starting to become what happens to every profitable company, they don't want to fall, so they eat everyone up, and act like a bully. Sad really.