I just got my postcard from Oregon from the FAMOUS pukesick

...and gracious me if it ain't homemade! It's a thin piece of cardboard with some blue paper and visual airline safety instructions taped to the front. Very professional-looking, I must say.

Anyway, it reads (with my comments in italics): "Jet-poopicles, {Hmm. Going for a jessicapierce vibe, pukey-wookey?} Look, the safety instruction is sporting a mullet! {I think he means the dude's hairstyle, which is less than mod} We are off to a good start {smudged word}, having survived my trans-Atlantic flight a bit back. I have been working lots lately and not much slacking, however, I did get married {Hey! Congratulations!} to someone at the 24 hour Church of Elvis last weekend in Portland, that was fun and good after staying up for 48 hours. Please be on the lookout for baby-blue earmuffs for me; I am in desperate need of a pair {pukesick is the only person I know who needs earmuffs in the summer} Summer is creeping up, yay! You live in NM, do you own a dog(s)? {Sorry, no}"

So there you have it. He just got married, and he needs earmuffs. Have you sent the happy couple a wedding present yet?