Everything Snapshot

Time: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 00:19:43 GMT
Everything server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU mod_ssl/2.4.10 OpenSSL/0.9.4 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev

Number of nodes: 810842 (805 new since January 27, 2001 [880.4 wa7])
Number of users: 24553 (82 new since January 27, 2001 [89.6 wa7])
Number of links: 3371302 (11648 new since January 27, 2001 [13631.3 wa7])
Number of writeups: 449388 (405 new since January 27, 2001 [451.4 wa7])
Number of cools: 58760 (169 new since January 27, 2001 [181.3 wa7])
Number of votes: 1877423 (4185 new since January 27, 2001 [7398.1 wa7])
Number of hits: 31489635 (128888 new since January 27, 2001 [143861.3 wa7])

Node to user ratio: 33.024 nodes per user
Link to node ratio: 4.158 links per node
Link to user ratio: 137.307 links per user
Link to writeup ratio: 7.502 links per writeup
Votes to cools ratio: 31.951 votes per cool
Cools to user ratio: 2.393 cools per user
Hits to user ratio: 1282.517 hits per user

New Nodes: [can you teach an old dog new tricks?] [Edit These E2 Titles] [kyuss] [emmanogogues] [Alkali Metals] [The Sounds of Science] [materioptikon] [The Wit of Willy Wonka] [The man on the shroud is none other than Jesus Chirst himself] [spawn] [Queen of Hearts] [High Plains Drifter] [Egg Man] [chocolate-covered espresso beans] [Johnny Ryall]

Users Online (57): [Tem42] [Dis] [mat catastrophe] [--OutpostMir--] [blowdart] [Jinmyo] [Wuukiee] [nocodeforparanoia] [CentrX] [jeremy f] [ccunning] [jasonm] [WonkoDSane] [r4v5] [s_alanet] [spiregrain] [Gritchka] [Psk] [xdjio] [Mr.Sparkle] [Miles_Dirac] [Infinity] [Blue_Bellied_Lizard] [jkeak] [Pretzellogic] [Withnail] [PMD] [pfft] [Acid Dragon] [barbie] [Pantsless Bob] [rad] [Blitzkrieg] [Bill Dauterive] [koala] [akf2000] [krimson] [Ldh] [Sirius] [Amadeo] [dreamwalker] [Andukar] [lambda68] [memebomb] [sid] [cerberus] [Wonder_Llama] [Jurph] [Syntari] [Blush Response] [cbond] [tsunake] [Tom Dissonance] [kettu] [ducksquak] [Jodo] [Orcus_Invictus]

JeffMagnus node count: 4093 (1 new since January 27, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience: 11879 (-1 more since January 27, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience to node ratio: 2.902 XP per node
JeffMagnus nodeshare: 0.505% (Via alternate method: 0.911%)*
JeffMagnus node of the day: aol

Note: The Everything Snapshot daylog will return as soon as I work out one that is more pleasant for members of the Everything Whino sect.