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Everything Snapshot

Time: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 00:20:07 GMT
Everything server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU mod_ssl/2.4.10 OpenSSL/0.9.4 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev

Number of nodes: 800612 (703 new since January 16, 2001 [665.3 wa7])
Number of users: 23449 (70 new since January 16, 2001 [69.1 wa7])
Number of links: 3224641 (11329 new since January 16, 2001 [9900.4 wa7])
Number of writeups: 444135 (361 new since January 16, 2001 [338.5 wa7])
Number of cools: 56766 (184 new since January 16, 2001 [179.4 wa7])
Number of votes: 1792302 (8872 new since January 16, 2001 [7249.9 wa7])
Number of hits: 29881441 (153515 new since January 16, 2001 [137977.3 wa7])

Node to user ratio: 34.143 nodes per user
Link to node ratio: 4.028 links per node
Link to user ratio: 137.517 links per user
Link to writeup ratio: 7.260 links per writeup
Votes to cools ratio: 31.574 votes per cool
Cools to user ratio: 2.421 cools per user
Hits to user ratio: 1274.316 hits per user

New Nodes: [Annie's Song] [pillow-case full of soap] [People Ain't No Good] [Cashmere Sweater] [The Bitch Song] [Bill Clinton] [Unknown Sexual Definitions] [Cindy Williams] [Phytomining] [An American Werewolf in London] [Computer frustration] [oxymoron] [ais kacang] [Herbert Von Karajan] [October 11]

Users Online (58): [Segnbora-t] [dannye] [dem bones] [Sylvar] [Gamaliel] [Uberfetus] [Rancid_Pickle] [tftv256] [kessenich] [girlotron] [Demeter] [ToasterLeavings] [eric+] [JustSomeGuy] [m_turner] [hamstergirl] [tribbel] [AndieX] [zot-fot-piq] [JayBonci] [The Alchemist] [dwyn] [SB5] [Aresds] [Percepied] [ScottMan] [Beltane] [brainwave] [taschenrechner] [godling] [Pakaran] [GirlsDontLikeMe] [Jennifer] [Loon] [barbie] [deeahblita] [ansomatica] [de-frag] [CapnTrippy] [AmadeusTheKitten] [Rainfire] [n6] [Eve007] [Sirius] [BtS] [forest] [eponymous] [The Other Dan] [disarmed42] [Orion] [PeterPan] [akf2000] [tardibear] [mofaha] [Malicious Kitten] [slide] [Kalon] [Danalien]

JeffMagnus node count: 4090 (0 new since January 16, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience: 11269 (12 more since January 16, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience to node ratio: 2.755 XP per node
JeffMagnus nodeshare: 0.511% (Via alternate method: 0.921%)*
JeffMagnus node of the day: http://slashdot.msn.com/