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Everything Snapshot

Time: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 00:20:22 GMT
Everything server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU mod_ssl/2.4.10 OpenSSL/0.9.4 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev

Number of nodes: 797015 (698 new since January 10, 2001 [759.6 wa7])
Number of users: 23007 (78 new since January 10, 2001 [63.9 wa7])
Number of links: 3165905 (9637 new since January 10, 2001 [9937.9 wa7])
Number of writeups: 442376 (401 new since January 10, 2001 [401.3 wa7])
Number of cools: 55667 (174 new since January 10, 2001 [175.3 wa7])
Number of votes: 1749906 (8355 new since January 10, 2001 [7449.1 wa7])
Number of hits: 29028806 (136282 new since January 10, 2001 [128466.3 wa7])

Node to user ratio: 34.642 nodes per user
Link to node ratio: 3.972 links per node
Link to user ratio: 137.606 links per user
Link to writeup ratio: 7.157 links per writeup
Votes to cools ratio: 31.435 votes per cool
Cools to user ratio: 2.420 cools per user
Hits to user ratio: 1261.738 hits per user

New Nodes: [One problem with being born really soon after Christmas] [MUF DVR] [rings and rememberings] [Organized religion is a sham] [manual transmission] [Does the Bible allow for Additional Mormon Scriptures?] [Reading Log: January 10, 2001] [feminism] [Aurich] [St. Edmund] [carbon] [German unification] [January 10, 2001] [Does the Bible allow for Additional Mormon Scriptures?] [Boy Scout]

Users Online (58): [Pseudo_Intellectual] [dannye] [dann] [ophie] [The Custodian] [anotherone] [tftv256] [Rancid_Pickle] [jessicapierce] [Quizro] [kessenich] [m1a9366b] [kaytay] [mcc] [m_turner] [Wuukiee] [junkpile] [Stride] [baffo] [Cletus the Foetus] [The Alchemist] [ccunning] [WolfDaddy] [wh00t] [Infinite Burn] [idoru] [cethiesus] [Kesper North] [DJuxtaposition] [Dyslexic] [r4v5] [Ryouga] [Eos] [Aresds] [Mr.Sparkle] [godling] [taschenrechner] [Divine_Wino] [MacArthur Parker] [deeahblita] [AmadeusTheKitten] [radlab0] [karrenlouise] [CapnTrippy] [Whipster] [Dr. Plaid] [rabidcow] [goat_attack] [Ælien] [dreamwalker] [The Other Dan] [Suckapant] [Kalon] [Lisrey] [andman] [tillwe] [Far McKon] [jellybowl]

JeffMagnus node count: 4088 (1 new since January 10, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience: 11277 (-2 more since January 10, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience to node ratio: 2.759 XP per node
JeffMagnus nodeshare: 0.513% (Via alternate method: 0.925%)*
JeffMagnus node of the day: http://slashdot.msn.com/