A rap duel in text messages. Thanks for starting it bro.

Negligent President breaks precedent, 100,000 Covid deaths came and went, President says, irrelevant. President said inject bleach and then said that’s not what I meant. American residents are hesitant they’re on the fence, and their landlords are raising rents. I miss a President who wasn’t hella bent on false opulence, on petulance, a President who believed in the power of books and pens. When will we return to elegance, fuck at this point I’d even take Mike Pence.

Rednecks with their rifles thumpin' on their bibles. Swear god protects all so with disease they gonna trifle. And the rest of us pretend that Biden is a rival and that every vote counts on American idol.

Policies by dollars and cents, instead of by common sense. If the President is heaven sent, can he tell me what Jesus said? Can he tell me why he locks up kids? Or is he too busy lying, flying in private jets, playing golf while people are dying. Fucking kids with Epstein on his private island. Hypocrisy runs rampant. When did it all happen? Democracy traded in for a tyrant.

Cofefee ain't a blessing when he compulsively does the worst things. He pours the kool-aid and the worshipers keep drinking.
Slower than Jim Jones but the body count is rising. Feeding us lies to hide bad tidings. "But Trumps the best leader!" #JustWhiteThings.

No hypocrisy, no contradiction. No democracy, only demolition. You need a lobotomy to listen to the fiction; that the economy is our only predilection. White guilt replaced by white hypocrisy. Black blood is spilled on the streets. White lies over black lives. No knives this is a gun fight. Right to bear arms to protect our farms. Being black is enough to sound the alarms.

I can't breathe, I can't breathe. Does history repeat? You better believe. A body count race between corona and cops. But the same group in charge calling all the shots. Living free's a protest so jog around the block. But lives don't matter it's all about stocks.

America is under attack. Russian hackers had the inside track. Benedict Arnold is back. A traitor in the White House eating Big Macs. He alternates from Obamagate to masturbate. He retweets fake news and propogates hate. Encourages radical views, suffocating the truth, brainwashing the youth. Yeah Mr. Trump I’m talking about you. This might be uncouth but fuck you.

Hate trumps truth? How could we nazi it coming. Putin on a show for the presidential running. But it's o.k.k.k because they say say say. Trickle down your way way way so run along and play ay ay. Bail out companies, bail out banks. And here are the leftovers don't forget to give thanks. Orange man tiny hands demands to hear your gratitude. Everything is going great so don't give him any attitude.