In my freshman year of high school, I took a trip to the library. I told my teacher I had an English project I desperately need to get done. But I just wanted to play on the computer.

After a good 5 minutes on the computer, and realizing most of the games were blocked (can't have kids having fun in school, can we?), I decided to look around at the books. I eventually came to a section labeled "Books Banned from the (school name) Library." The books under this sign included Huckleberry Finn and all the Harry Potter Books (I cant remember how many). Needless to say, I was pissed.

Curious, as Huckleberry Finn was a classic, I decided to see why it was banned. It was banned due to the depiction of African Americans being "stupid and uneducated." This pissed me off even more. Yes, there are many educated, sucessful African Americans in our world, and yes, there are uneducated ones as well. Same with every single race or type or ethnicity out there. Whites, Asians, Eskimos, even Mormons. The person being black shouldn't have had anything to do with it, and I'm willing to bet that if the person was white, no one would had fucking cared, because that's what kind of world we live in!!

But that's not the point.
*takes deep breath*
I'm going to move on before this turns into a racial rant.

Being a Freshman, I really didn't want to do anything that might make a senior look at me. So I checked out Misery by Stephen King. What a disturbing book.

(To those wondering why Harry Potter was banned, some very religious folk decided it was bad to deal with witches and wizards. I didnt really care about this, because Harry Potter isn't very interesting anyway.)