Sirens - 'Ulysses' - James Joyce

4pm - 5pm
'The Concert Room'
barmaids - Sirens
Bloom - Ulysses
-- Ear
Art/Science: MUSIC

Bloom has followed Boylan to the Ormond bar/restaurant, knowing
that Boylan will meet Molly at 4.00 pm. He stays in the restaurant
and eats with Richard Goulding, who's just like Bloom, another
'outsider', listening to the singing Simon Dedalus, Cowley and Dollard.
The three sing songs about Ireland's past. Bloom finally leaves and adds
his own musical note to the orchestra, a loud fart.
In the Odyssey, Ulysses has been warned of the songs of the Sirens
and he places wax in the ears of his shipmates and insist they
tie him to the mast so that he can hear the songs.